The World Cup Story the first sixty years

1966: England v Argentina

The start of the great football rivalry between England and Argentina is was the Quarter Final match in 1966. It was a clash between two contrasting football styles.

Argentina were a very good team. England feared them more than any other team in the competition. But they were surprised by the approach Argentina took to the game.

At that time football was much more physical than now with far more fouls. It was too physical for England manager, Alf Ramsey. He said that England came to play football while Argentina acted like 'animals'. This comment has never been forgotten.

Argentina were also upset and angry about the game. They had their captain, Rattin, sent off as they lost 1-0 to England. It was not clear why he was sent off - for 'looking' at the referee according to the official report - bt Rattin refused to leave the pitch and the game was stopped for eight minutes. (
see above)

In the semi-finals England beat Portugal and West Germany won against the USSR.