The Story of Football from a village game to the world cup

Early Years

British and Dutch sailors first football brought to Brazil. They played games on the beaches of the North-eastern coast.

Football arrived in the cities of Brazil in the 1870s. A British man called Mr Hugh taught the game to the workers on the São Paulo Railway in 1882. On the Leopoldina Railway, a Mr John introduced soccer in 1875 or 1876.

Perhaps the most important man in Brazilian football's early history was Charles Miller.
Miller was born in Brazil in 1874, but was educated in England. When he returned to Brazil in 1894 he brought soccer equipment with him.

First Stadium

The first official soccer match was played in São Paulo in 1894. It was an immediate success. On the 18th August 1898 the first official club team was formed by the Mackenzie College in São Paulo.

Soccer soon became popular all over Brazil. In 1900 the first soccer stadium was built in São Paulo. A year later the São Paulo league was formed.


The first Brazilian international match also was played in São Paulo in 1907. It was a ‘derby’ between Brazil and Argentina and ended 2-2.

During the early years of the century Brazil’s best player was Petronillo de Brito. De Brito had exceptional ball control, and a powerful shot. He was a very intelligent player at a time when soccer was a much more physical game than it is today.

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